Programs for employees

Home Programs for employees

Legislative framework, economic fluctuations, financial crisis, labor market competition, all have a strong impact on these aspects of an organization's work.

In this context, companies face the need to reduce and cost efficiently, but also to empower employees and retention them through competitive wage packages.

Leader Team has comprehensive benefits programs for employees. First of all, we offer strategic advice and brokerage services that help companies minimize risk, optimize benefit structure, and maximize employee engagement.

We work with clients of all sizes, from small local businesses to large multinational organizations. For each type of customer we have different tools and offerings designed and tailored to them.


  • Employee risk consulting
  • Risk Inspections
  • Discount programs from collaborating insurance companies
  • Creating Special Products


    • Group Health Insurance
    • Group Life Insurance
    • Dental Insurance
    • Other Special Group Insurance


Insurance programs adapted to any type of client