Category: Leader Team

Withdrawal of food products from the market and safeguarding the manufacturer's brand

Withdrawal of food products from the market and safeguarding the manufacturer’s brand

In the dynamic and competitive landscape of the Romanian food market, guaranteeing the safety and conformity of products is of major importance for business. Consumers put their trust in food producers, expecting nothing less than the highest standards of quality and integrity. However, despite meticulous efforts, unforeseen circumstances can sometimes lead to the presence of

Prodcut Recall Insurance

Leader Team Broker Assists Manufacturers and Traders in Covering Losses Caused by Product Recalls

• The automotive, food, and pharmaceutical industries have the highest demand for product recall insurance. • Product recall insurance can cover various types of damages, from the costs of product withdrawal to the reputation damage caused by negative incidents. Bucharest, July 13, 2023: Leader Team Broker, a key player in the niche insurance market in

Amicable finding

Amicable finding – everything you need to know about this procedure and about filling out the form correctly

Traffic accidents are events that occur frequently on Romanian roads. Depending on the severity, there are different options for solving them. Minor road accidents can be resolved through a simple and convenient method, called an amicable finding. This procedure is the fastest solution for resolving damages and can be done without the intervention of the


Co-insurance – what does it mean, who can be co-insured and what are the conditions to obtain this status?

The main purpose of health insurance is to protect people from the costs of medical services in case of illness or accident. Even though under the social health insurance system only employees can benefit from insurance, according to the law, non-working family members can also obtain the same benefits through co-insurance. This means that employees

Telemedicine - what is it and how does it work

Telemedicine – what is it and how does it work? Discover the advantages and disadvantages of the telemedicine system for doctors and patients!

As everyone faces health problems, medical services are indispensable. Today, thanks to the evolution of technology and the Internet, telemedicine has emerged, a system through which people can receive medical assistance through phone calls, video calls or text messages. Telemedicine can be useful in many situations, from simple advice related to certain patient diseases to

RCA insurances from Leader Team Broker

RCA insurances from Leader Team Broker can also be purchased through the 24pay app at no additional cost

In the 24pay application, customers can find RCA policy offers at affordable prices from the 7 insurers with which Leader Team Broker has partnerships. RCA policies from Leader Team cover, according to the law, damages caused to other vehicles participating in traffic, cases of death or bodily injury, etc.; in addition, in the 24pay application,


Insurance programs adapted to any type of client