
Professional IT insurance - necessary tool in the activity of companies and professionals in the field of technology

Professional IT insurance – necessary tool in the activity of companies and professionals in the field of technology

Any professional activity is subject to risks that hover both over the providers of services or various works, as well as over their clients. Professional civil liability involves assuming the remediation of potential damages caused to third parties in the course of an activity, whether they are directly involved or collateral, due to errors that

Leader Team - Insurance broker of the year

Leader Team Broker designated for the second year in a row “Insurance Broker of the Year” at the Innovation Awards by Corporate LiveWire UK

Leader Team Broker received at the end of the year the distinction of “Insurance Broker of the Year 2022” as part of the “Innovation Awards” granted by Corporate LiveWire in UK. It is the second year in a row that Leader Team has received this award for the high degree of creativity and innovation of


Did you know that you can be “fined” twice if you don’t have winter tires? The CASCO insurer may refuse to pay its damages in the event of an accident

The obligation to use winter or all-season tires on public roads in Romania was introduced in 2011 and any driver who violates the law knows that he is liable to a fine, plus the withholding of the car’s registration certificate. The legislation in force does not condition the use of winter tires by a certain

Insurance Broker vs Insurer - Advantages and Disadvantages of RCA and CASCO Insurance

Insurance Broker vs Insurer – Advantages and Disadvantages of RCA and CASCO Insurance

The field of insurance is an extremely complex one, both through the multitude of types of services offered to individuals and legal entities, and through the existence of thick legislation, with numerous bureaucratic elements, which could give serious headaches to an ordinary user of insurance services. A new type of service has appeared, namely that


Insurance programs adapted to any type of client