
Non-compliance with the contractual clauses for the provision of services between companies

Non-compliance with the contractual clauses for the provision of services between companies – Information and useful advice

Most companies in Romania end up in the situation of having to collaborate with other companies in order to carry out their usual economic activity. For a good development of relations, there is the possibility of concluding a contract, a legal agreement assumed by the participating parties, which establishes the terms and conditions of the

Withdrawal of food products from the market and safeguarding the manufacturer's brand

Withdrawal of food products from the market and safeguarding the manufacturer’s brand

In the dynamic and competitive landscape of the Romanian food market, guaranteeing the safety and conformity of products is of major importance for business. Consumers put their trust in food producers, expecting nothing less than the highest standards of quality and integrity. However, despite meticulous efforts, unforeseen circumstances can sometimes lead to the presence of

Prodcut Recall Insurance

Leader Team Broker Assists Manufacturers and Traders in Covering Losses Caused by Product Recalls

• The automotive, food, and pharmaceutical industries have the highest demand for product recall insurance. • Product recall insurance can cover various types of damages, from the costs of product withdrawal to the reputation damage caused by negative incidents. Bucharest, July 13, 2023: Leader Team Broker, a key player in the niche insurance market in


Insurance programs adapted to any type of client