Tag Archive: EVA

VIDEO PROFIT TV Razvan Rusu, CEO Leader Team Broker: Piata asigurarilor a ramas din pacate la nivelul de dinainte de criza din 2008. Anul acesta poate vom sparge gheata cu o crestere de 10%, poate 15%

Piata asigurarilor din Romania este pe un trend stabil si, in pofida dificultatilor provocate de pandemie, cifrele din acest an vor depasi cu 10-12% nivelul atins in 2008, inainte de criza financiara, respectiv de doua miliarde de euro, a declarat la PROFIT TV Razvan Rusu, fondatorul si directorul general al Leader Team Broker. „Piata e

EVA, the first virtual health insurance consultant, makes you a personalized offer in 60 seconds

 EVA, the first virtual health insurance consultant, makes you a personalized offer in 60 seconds Bucharest, September 2, 2020: Leader Team Broker, a key player on the Romanian insurance market, specialized in risk management and distribution of insurance policies, launches the first virtual consultant dedicated to health policies. EVA is the first chatbot in Romania


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